Rome and Caravaggio

St Luigi dei Francesi is no doubt Caravaggio’s great attraction in Rome. The national church of France in Italy houses three famous paintings in the Chapel of St Matthew. These are his first great religious work. Maybe the most famous one is his Calling of St Matthew.

The St. Augustine Church's pride is Caravaggio's Madonna del Loreto. His strict realism balked at the tradition of depicting Mary riding atop her miraculous flying house, which landed in Loreto.

On the left aisle of St. Maria del Popolo, in the Cerasi Chapel, we admire two paintings by Caravaggio: the Crucifixion of St Peter and the Conversion of St Paul.

In the Borghese Gallery Caravaggio shows us his David and Goliath, whose head is believed to be his portrait, The Madonna dei Palafrenieri, San Girolamo and St John the Baptist.

The Baroque Rome and the Pantheon

We start our walk from the very heart of Baroque Rome, that is Spanish Steps. Then we head down the Trevi Fountain and the church of St Ignatious where the tremendous frescoes of the vaulted ceiling is a masterpiece of perspective game.

Just at a stone’s throw from the Church of St Ignatious we visit the only Gothic style church in Rome, namely Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.

On our way towards Navona Square we go back to Roman times to visit the Hadrian Temple, the famous column of Marcus Aurelius and the Pantheon.

The Via Ostiense

From an electric power station to a museum to house the conspicuous part of Roman sculptures which have been brought to light during the full fledged campaign of archaeological excavations between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century.

The Montemartini  power plant is the second extraordinary seat of the Capitoline Museums and that is the result of perfect marriage between classical and industrial archaeology.

Our walk will leads us as far as St Paul’s Basilica. There we enter the thirteenth-century cloister, which is considered being the most beautiful cloister of Rome ever.


Passeggiando nei vicoli e nelle strade del centro storico di Roma al chiaro di luna, ammireremo Il Colosseo, il Campidoglio, Piazza Navona, Trinità dei Monti, San Pietro e Castel Sant’Angelo quando le luci soffuse della sera rendono i monumenti e le piazze ancora più affascinanti e suggestive.

First walk

Spanish Steps
Via Condotti
Trevi Fountain
Piazza Colonna
Piazza Montecitorio
Hadrian Temple
Piazza Sant'Ignazio
Piazza della Minerva
Navona Square

Second walk

The Valley of the Colosseum
The Arch of Constantine
Via dei Fori Imperiali
Venice Square
Capitoline Hill with a view of the Roman Forum

Third walk

Navona Square
Campo de' Fiori
Piazza Farnese
Piazza dei Satiri
The Jewish Ghetto and the Portico of Octavia
The Theatre of Marcellus
Capitoline Hill with a view of the Roman Forum

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